Cork Products

Pre Cut Saxophone Neck Corks, Pre Cut Clarinet Tenon Corks, Natural Cork and TechCork Sheets and Assortments, Flute and Piccolo Head Corks, and Cork Pads.
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13 Items

  1. Straight Cylindrical Cork

    Starting at $1.51

    These straight cylindrical corks are perfect when a circular piece of cork is needed. Just cut a section with a fresh razor blade and use these on the back of circular key feet or rotor bumpers for brass instruments. Learn More
  2. Black Magic Foam

    Starting at $5.38

    This high-tech foam has open-cell construction and smooth surface texture for easy gluing. This medium soft foam can be sanded with fine sandpaper but wears and rebounds well in a wide range of temperatures. Great for applications where vibration and an impact noise are a problem.

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  3. Bulk Saxophone Neck Cork

    Starting at $29.22

    Stop wasting your sheet cork! saxophone neck cork will save you time and money with pre beveled and generously sized neck corks. Sold in multiples of 10, 50 and 100 Pcs. Learn More
  4. TechCork - Sheets - (125 mm x 100 mm) - Sheets

    Starting at $5.75

    Not to be confused with other similar products, MusicMedic Tech Cork is the band instrument repair industry standard for a non-compressing material between adjustment points and under key feet. Learn More
  5. TechCork - Assortments (13 Thicknesses)

    Starting at $72.40

    TechCork - Assortments (13 Thicknesses)

    Full (125mm x 100mm) 

    Half Sheet assortments (125mm x 50mm)

    TeckCork in 13 thicknesses.

    .3mm through 1.0mm in .1mm increments, 1.2mm,1.5mm, 1.8mm, 2.0mm, 2.5mm.

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  6. Clarinet Tenon Corks
    Short of going to the repair shop, there is no easier way to install a new tenon cork on your clarinet. These pre-cut and beveled clarinet tenon cork set is a time saver for a repair shop and allows the novice to quickly and correctly install a tenon cork. Each Tenon cork is 1/16in and beveled on one end. For smaller joints the tenon cork may need to be cut to width. The two corks come on a full color card with complete instructions and pictures. makes it easy to learn! Learn More
  7. Very Thin Laminated Cork
    This very thin cork is two layers of super thin cork sheets laminated onto paper. The paper in the middle of this sheet cork gives the cork exceptional strength. This firm thin cork is an excellent silencing material even though it is only .3mm thick. Dimensions: 150mm x 100mm Learn More
  8. Cork Pads

    Starting at $1.70

    Many technicians and players prefer cork pads in clarinet upper joints. We make these pads from the finest natural cork with the least amount of grain.

    Thickness: 3mm

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  9. Flute and Piccolo Head Corks

    Starting at $0.87 offers a wide selection of Flute and Piccolo head corks. Our Pro Flute cork is the finest grade cork we could find!

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  10. Saxophone Neck Cork
    Out of stock saxophone neck cork is the proper thickness of cork (1/16in.), beveled and prepared for contact adhesive. If you have not installed a neck cork in the past, instructions for installing a saxophone neck cork are included. This neck cork will fit any of the saxophones, Soprano - Bass. makes it easy to learn! Learn More
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13 Items